Who We Are

About the Founder Joy Silver: 

Abandoned in the streets of Korea at age 2, when there wasn’t enough food to go around, Park Yung Hee was adopted from Korea at age 3 to a loving American family, who named her Joy, for the joy she was bringing to them, and grew up in NJ. 

Joy Silver has always been a great manifestor since she was a girl and had many great teachers including her parents, for whom she is most grateful.  Amazing things came to Joy Silver in every area of her life. She practiced the law of attraction, the secret, and always lived with deep gratitude. One by one, Joy Silver manifested all her dreams.
Joy Silver (formerly Park Yung Hee) orphan picture, age 2 

The Universal Law of Attraction –   “To Be a Great Manifestor”

The Universal Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into your life whatever you are focusing on.  The Law of Attraction uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in your thoughts and materialize them into reality.  The law of attraction is always in operation and brings to each person the conditions and experiences that they predominantly think about, or which they desire or expect.  Essentially, you are like the magnet in the universe, attracting everything into your life experience that is personalized to you and you will attract all the things, people, events, circumstances, and situations that you need into your life to manifest your desire and dreams.

Everyone is a manifestor, whether they realize it or not. However, the more conscious they become of what they are focusing on or attracting, they can deliberately and consciously become really great manifestors of their dreams and goals.

I believe everyone's dreams can come true. Do you?

With love and gratitude,
Joy Silver, Founder 
La Mission de Joie
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